vendor/etc/init/hw/ on fs mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom
do_mount_all mount_fstab_return_code = mount_fstab(fstabfile, mount_mode); /* queue_fs_event will queue event based on mount_fstab return code * and return processed return code*/ auto queue_fs_result = queue_fs_event(*mount_fstab_return_code);
on defaultcrypto exec - root -- /system/bin/vdc --wait cryptfs mountdefaultencrypted # vold will set vold.decrypt to trigger_restart_framework (default # encryption) or trigger_restart_min_framework (other encryption)
on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_post_fs_data trigger post-fs-data trigger zygote-start
on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=encrypted && property:ro.crypto.type=file # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted start netd start zygote start zygote_secondary
service update_verifier_nonencrypted /system/bin/update_verifier nonencrypted
AB 升级过程调试
先制作ota升级包 make otapackage -j4 制作完成的升级包, 解压出payload.bin和payload_properties.txt 将升级包push到手机中, 执行命令:
# Enable update engine sideloading by including the static version of the # boot_control HAL and its dependencies. PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL := \ bootctrl.msmnile \ librecovery_updater_msm \ libz \ libcutils
08-18 19:24:51.361 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Using this install plan: 08-18 19:24:51.365 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] InstallPlan: new_update, version: , source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload: (size: 280875113, metadata_size: 668528, metadata signature: , hash: 60B62E3DD97FB3D966AE7D44B25D7150197D23C3CF28453FC39C8D3FBD94E7DA, payload type: unknown), hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false, switch_slot_on_reboot: true, run_post_install: true, is_rollback: false, write_verity: true 08-18 19:24:51.369 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Number of Reboots during current update attempt = 0 08-18 19:24:51.371 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Payload Attempt Number = 1 08-18 19:24:51.374 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Update Monotonic Timestamp Start = 1/1/1970 0:04:02 GMT 08-18 19:24:51.376 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Update Boot Timestamp Start = 1/1/1970 0:04:02 GMT 08-18 19:24:51.378 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Scheduling an action processor start. 08-18 19:24:51.383 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: starting UpdateBootFlagsAction 08-18 19:24:51.385 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Marking booted slot as good. 08-18 19:24:51.412 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: finished UpdateBootFlagsAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess 08-18 19:24:51.414 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: starting CleanupPreviousUpdateAction 08-18 19:24:51.416 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Starting/resuming CleanupPreviousUpdateAction 08-18 19:24:51.417 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Boot completed, waiting on markBootSuccessful() 08-18 19:24:51.420 1471 1471 I update_engine: EnsureMetadataMounted does nothing in Android mode. 08-18 19:24:51.422 1471 1471 I update_engine: Read merge statistics file failed: No such file or directory 08-18 19:24:51.424 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Waiting for any previous merge request to complete. This can take up to several minutes. 08-18 19:24:51.426 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Previous update has not been completed, not cleaning up 08-18 19:24:51.428 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Not reporting merge stats because state is Initiated 08-18 19:24:51.429 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: finished CleanupPreviousUpdateAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess 08-18 19:24:51.431 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: starting InstallPlanAction 08-18 19:24:51.433 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: finished InstallPlanAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess 08-18 19:24:51.435 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: starting DownloadAction 08-18 19:24:51.437 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] InstallPlan: new_update, version: , source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload: (size: 280875113, metadata_size: 668528, metadata signature: , hash: 60B62E3DD97FB3D966AE7D44B25D7150197D23C3CF28453FC39C8D3FBD94E7DA, payload type: unknown), hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false, switch_slot_on_reboot: true, run_post_install: true, is_rollback: false, write_verity: true 08-18 19:24:51.438 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Marking new slot as unbootable 08-18 19:24:51.460 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] starting first transfer 08-18 19:24:51.463 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] starting transfer of range 1427+280875113 08-18 19:24:51.468 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 0/? operations, 16384/280875113 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0% 08-18 19:24:51.500 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Manifest size in payload matches expected value from Omaha 08-18 19:24:51.502 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Verifying using certificates: /system/etc/security/ 08-18 19:24:51.508 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] signature blob size = 267 08-18 19:24:51.510 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Truncating the signature to its unpadded size: 256. 08-18 19:24:51.512 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Verified correct signature 1 out of 1 signatures. 08-18 19:24:51.514 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Metadata hash signature matches value in Omaha response. 08-18 19:24:51.551 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Detected a 'delta' payload. 08-18 19:24:51.575 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] dynamic-partition-metadata-updated not present in /data/misc/update_engine/prefs 08-18 19:24:51.580 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Preparing partitions for new update. last hash = , new hash = YLYuPdl/s9lmrn1Esl1xUBl9I8PPKEU/w5yNP72U59o=cwT0tXBzdXay7seGtMnnLLggDWo8d2VvGTwG3+iAGQA= 08-18 19:24:51.586 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:51.590 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:51.607 1471 1471 I update_engine: type=1400 audit(0.0:1346): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="sde6" ino=1 scontext=u:r:update_engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:bt_firmware_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 08-18 19:24:51.611 1471 1471 I update_engine: EnsureMetadataMounted does nothing in Android mode. 08-18 19:24:51.615 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Erasing AVB footer of system_other partition before update. 08-18 19:24:51.619 1471 1471 E update_engine: [libfs_mgr]ReadFstabFromFile(): cannot open file: '/system/etc/fstab.postinstall': No such file or directory 08-18 19:24:51.621 1471 1471 W update_engine: [] Cannot read fstab from /system/etc/fstab.postinstall: No such file or directory (2) 08-18 19:24:51.623 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] AVB is not enabled on system_other. Skip erasing. 08-18 19:24:51.625 1471 1471 I update_engine: Update has been initiated, now canceling 08-18 19:24:51.627 1471 1471 I update_engine: Removing all update state. 08-18 19:24:51.629 1471 1471 W update_engine: Cannot read /metadata/ota/snapshot-boot: No such file or directory 08-18 19:24:51.630 1471 1471 W update_engine: Failed to get flashing status 08-18 19:24:51.632 1471 1471 W update_engine: Cannot read /metadata/ota/snapshot-boot: No such file or directory 08-18 19:24:52.644 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot system_b 08-18 19:24:52.654 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot vendor_b 08-18 19:24:52.766 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot product_b 08-18 19:24:52.776 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot odm_b 08-18 19:24:52.837 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:52.858 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:52.883 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition odm_b will resize from 1286144 bytes to 1089536 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.885 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition system_b will resize from 3553296384 bytes to 3517079552 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.886 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition product_b will resize from 310919168 bytes to 328949760 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.888 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition vendor_b will resize from 1469992960 bytes to 1523589120 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.889 1471 1471 I update_engine: Remaining free space for COW: 3753377792 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.934 1471 1471 I update_engine: For partition system_b, device size = 3517079552, snapshot size = 3517079552, cow partition size = 3530821632, cow file size = 0 08-18 19:24:52.941 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition system_b-cow will resize from 0 bytes to 3530821632 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.943 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot partition for system_b 08-18 19:24:52.945 1471 1471 I update_engine: Remaining free space for COW: 222298112 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.951 1471 1471 I update_engine: For partition product_b, device size = 328949760, snapshot size = 328949760, cow partition size = 222298112, cow file size = 107937792 08-18 19:24:52.954 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Partition product_b-cow will resize from 0 bytes to 222298112 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.956 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot partition for product_b 08-18 19:24:52.958 1471 1471 I update_engine: Remaining free space for COW: 0 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.976 1471 1471 I update_engine: For partition vendor_b, device size = 1523589120, snapshot size = 1523589120, cow partition size = 0, cow file size = 1529540608 08-18 19:24:52.982 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot partition for vendor_b 08-18 19:24:52.986 1471 1471 I update_engine: Remaining free space for COW: 0 bytes 08-18 19:24:52.988 1471 1471 I update_engine: For partition odm_b, device size = 1089536, snapshot size = 1089536, cow partition size = 0, cow file size = 1044480 08-18 19:24:52.990 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot partition for odm_b 08-18 19:24:52.992 1471 1471 I update_engine: Allocating CoW images. 08-18 19:24:53.006 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot for odm_b 08-18 19:24:53.104 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot for product_b 08-18 19:24:53.126 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot for system_b 08-18 19:24:53.621 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created snapshot for vendor_b 08-18 19:24:53.625 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot system_b 08-18 19:24:53.661 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW device for system_b at /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.666 1471 1471 I update_engine: Zero-filling COW device: /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.708 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot product_b 08-18 19:24:53.740 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped product_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.769 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW device for product_b at /dev/block/dm-10 08-18 19:24:53.775 1471 1471 I update_engine: Zero-filling COW device: /dev/block/dm-10 08-18 19:24:53.835 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot vendor_b 08-18 19:24:53.862 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped vendor_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.865 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW image for vendor_b at vendor_b-cow-img 08-18 19:24:53.868 1471 1471 I update_engine: Zero-filling COW device: /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.900 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot odm_b 08-18 19:24:53.930 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped odm_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.933 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW image for odm_b at odm_b-cow-img 08-18 19:24:53.935 1471 1471 I update_engine: Zero-filling COW device: /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:53.968 1471 1471 I update_engine: [liblp]Updated logical partition table at slot 1 on device super 08-18 19:24:53.970 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully created all snapshots for target slot _b 08-18 19:24:53.973 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PreparePartitionsForUpdate done. 08-18 19:24:53.999 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.002 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.004 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.006 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] abl_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.008 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.011 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.013 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.016 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.018 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] abl_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.020 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.022 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.025 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.027 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.029 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] aop_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.031 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.033 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.035 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.038 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.039 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] aop_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.041 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.043 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.045 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.048 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.049 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] bluetooth_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.051 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.053 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.056 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.059 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.060 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] bluetooth_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.062 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.064 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.067 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.069 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.071 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] boot_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.072 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.075 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.077 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.079 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.081 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] boot_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.083 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.085 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.088 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.090 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.091 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] cpucp_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.094 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.096 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.098 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.100 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.102 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] cpucp_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.104 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.107 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.109 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.111 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.113 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] devcfg_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.115 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.117 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.119 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.121 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.122 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] devcfg_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.125 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.127 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.129 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.131 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.133 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] dsp_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.135 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.137 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.139 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.142 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.144 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] dsp_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.146 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.148 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.150 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.152 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.154 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] dtbo_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.156 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.158 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.161 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.163 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.164 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] dtbo_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.166 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.169 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.171 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.174 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.175 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] featenabler_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.177 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.179 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.182 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.184 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.185 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] featenabler_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.188 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.190 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.193 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.195 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.197 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] hyp_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.200 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.202 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.205 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.208 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.210 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] hyp_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.212 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.214 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.217 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.220 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.221 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] imagefv_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.224 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.226 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.229 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.231 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.233 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] imagefv_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.235 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.238 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.241 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.243 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.244 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] keymaster_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.246 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.249 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.251 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.253 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.255 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] keymaster_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.257 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.259 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.262 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.264 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.265 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] modem_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.267 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.269 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.272 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.274 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.276 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] modem_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.278 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.280 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.282 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.285 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.286 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] odm_a is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-3 08-18 19:24:54.288 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.291 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.293 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.295 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot odm_b 08-18 19:24:54.328 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Created logical partition odm_b-base on device /dev/block/dm-9 08-18 19:24:54.358 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped odm_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-10 08-18 19:24:54.361 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW image for odm_b at odm_b-cow-img 08-18 19:24:54.420 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped odm_b as snapshot device at /dev/block/dm-11 08-18 19:24:54.422 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Succesfully mapped odm_b to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-11 08-18 19:24:54.426 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.429 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.432 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.433 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] product_a is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-1 08-18 19:24:54.435 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.438 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.440 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.441 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot product_b 08-18 19:24:54.472 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Created logical partition product_b-base on device /dev/block/dm-12 08-18 19:24:54.503 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped product_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-13 08-18 19:24:54.536 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW device for product_b at /dev/block/dm-14 08-18 19:24:54.557 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped product_b as snapshot device at /dev/block/dm-15 08-18 19:24:54.561 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Succesfully mapped product_b to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-15 08-18 19:24:54.564 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.567 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.569 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.571 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] qupfw_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.573 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.576 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.579 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.582 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.584 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] qupfw_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.586 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.588 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.591 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.593 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.595 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] shrm_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.597 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.599 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.602 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.604 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.605 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] shrm_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.607 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.610 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.612 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.614 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.616 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] system_a is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-0 08-18 19:24:54.618 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.621 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.623 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.625 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot system_b 08-18 19:24:54.656 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Created logical partition system_b-base on device /dev/block/dm-16 08-18 19:24:54.691 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW device for system_b at /dev/block/dm-17 08-18 19:24:54.712 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped system_b as snapshot device at /dev/block/dm-18 08-18 19:24:54.715 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Succesfully mapped system_b to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-18 08-18 19:24:54.718 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.721 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.724 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.726 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] tz_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.728 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.730 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.733 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.735 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.737 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] tz_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.739 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.742 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.744 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.746 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.748 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] uefisecapp_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.750 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.752 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.755 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.757 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.759 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] uefisecapp_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.761 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.764 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.767 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.769 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.771 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vbmeta_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.773 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.775 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.778 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.780 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.782 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vbmeta_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.784 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.786 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.789 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.792 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.793 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vbmeta_system_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.796 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.798 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.801 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.804 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.806 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vbmeta_system_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.808 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.811 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.814 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.817 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.819 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vendor_a is mapped on device mapper: /dev/block/dm-2 08-18 19:24:54.821 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.824 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.826 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.828 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot vendor_b 08-18 19:24:54.861 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Created logical partition vendor_b-base on device /dev/block/dm-19 08-18 19:24:54.889 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped vendor_b-cow-img to /dev/block/dm-20 08-18 19:24:54.893 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped COW image for vendor_b at vendor_b-cow-img 08-18 19:24:54.913 1471 1471 I update_engine: Mapped vendor_b as snapshot device at /dev/block/dm-21 08-18 19:24:54.920 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Succesfully mapped vendor_b to device mapper (force_writable = 1); device path at /dev/block/dm-21 08-18 19:24:54.924 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.927 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.930 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.932 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vendor_boot_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.935 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.938 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.941 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.944 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.946 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vendor_boot_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.948 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.950 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.953 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.955 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.957 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vm-bootsys_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.959 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.962 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.965 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.967 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.969 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] vm-bootsys_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.972 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.974 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.977 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.979 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.981 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] xbl_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.983 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.985 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.988 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:54.990 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.992 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] xbl_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:54.994 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:54.996 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:54.999 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:55.001 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:55.003 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] xbl_config_a is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:55.005 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:55.007 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition vendor 08-18 19:24:55.010 1471 1471 I update_engine: Skip mounting partition: /system_ext 08-18 19:24:55.013 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot B in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:55.015 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] xbl_config_b is not in super partition metadata. 08-18 19:24:55.017 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Loaded metadata from slot A in /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 08-18 19:24:55.019 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old abl sha256: LKUfY1q5mz+KuU4Rmg+MrNqlzBahrYzBU4kOiE8Ooj8= size: 208896 08-18 19:24:55.021 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new abl sha256: hS8rXeEII9MtiJhBaUCxxPfQOUUPeyrxsAU4NxmRr5E= size: 208896 08-18 19:24:55.023 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old aop sha256: +xi8aAv0b4LPhA7kt/VRZ4AqEFxl2IkVj9bOULKDU/M= size: 237568 08-18 19:24:55.025 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new aop sha256: e9o49HW8O1Fu5AwhkPiNrF3tF3vDjG4Ae0RIyoFdXM0= size: 241664 08-18 19:24:55.027 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old bluetooth sha256: c+6BjIunasEsCvK6Jr5m7BzCGJq3tyDHhL3pvQkqVgI= size: 880640 08-18 19:24:55.029 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new bluetooth sha256: zgQ+DFP0LI3nyFOPLQsHE0ZiWrWhaf6+kqmXXBOtIYs= size: 880640 08-18 19:24:55.030 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old boot sha256: i8WwddePQv4qv2Jgtu06Mc5KUAfliUZOJfuzeVROKZU= size: 201326592 08-18 19:24:55.032 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new boot sha256: BCPYki46J+9B7L2Qw0dyqjT4tIgs32GNWP9LPXsB67c= size: 201326592 08-18 19:24:55.034 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old cpucp sha256: Iopy3jwBtH34WvG7QE8hV1VjUptSy6ZdNcqGR0bwPLw= size: 94208 08-18 19:24:55.035 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new cpucp sha256: uaQ7Vd67d7OZbqQijAqsMi8EUJr92PkfPWRCXRY8A3I= size: 98304 08-18 19:24:55.037 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old devcfg sha256: R3UrDvSUGAYyk6z6AGSr6NJ1jv2m1J4ED79aXIyrlhA= size: 49152 08-18 19:24:55.039 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new devcfg sha256: XEZTYY+qC/x3ReEZoJworSGR4/46+PrVrPwSDSslv00= size: 53248 08-18 19:24:55.040 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old dsp sha256: suWGN67jBTosAj9AnqkLIMWJ1ltQ23+u2m907aThq6I= size: 67108864 08-18 19:24:55.042 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new dsp sha256: suWGN67jBTosAj9AnqkLIMWJ1ltQ23+u2m907aThq6I= size: 67108864 08-18 19:24:55.043 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old dtbo sha256: 8pO250Kv+c0lantXJRsH5nuyJIldedl4TZ3DSgjqsgs= size: 8388608 08-18 19:24:55.045 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new dtbo sha256: z9EcMQ0GeM/EUjGJufNOyezldChHx9F9YygkgMdMbKI= size: 8388608 08-18 19:24:55.046 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old featenabler sha256: lG3p43ZOZvarWcTxWX8EE4SFMnxpjL3GsnfjBSOxrWc= size: 86016 08-18 19:24:55.048 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new featenabler sha256: IhmZnJ3dWkolqEJy41s5We3Cr0tQIiXZPWTKmBBirBc= size: 90112 08-18 19:24:55.050 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old hyp sha256: 85Xh+KcpkrrqsHRsagKvIAPrsOONgz/4Dnb4bzpRZ8k= size: 3395584 08-18 19:24:55.051 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new hyp sha256: ywlIjYFGmFdsPZwFBCZ0opfEvdERJzGPzDrGzVlWWZ8= size: 3399680 08-18 19:24:55.053 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old imagefv sha256: Km9PNGzyje+WR5TLaZk3129bHLCuz2cJJ8g+cKe+6Qk= size: 28672 08-18 19:24:55.055 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new imagefv sha256: /2kScNnnNSZXg4v4siLy2+Aew4Y4XzrJUaJSWzULYeA= size: 28672 08-18 19:24:55.056 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old keymaster sha256: 4KHtQoMQb5u7nRY3HiIOk5TOcQuowNNHzIqgLIOjpzU= size: 258048 08-18 19:24:55.058 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new keymaster sha256: MA6O6lkgd8OUfaIdudxGnfYDL2x8hzmakyZHi0Rkvag= size: 262144 08-18 19:24:55.059 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old modem sha256: ko9BWvXMob/IoCy8A+uvq6GwVeBDwswUlqNIAhLaWZY= size: 192884736 08-18 19:24:55.061 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new modem sha256: z9drl26xsoafKek/73PdmdczM5bJOw1X4zRVCvL9Mog= size: 193671168 08-18 19:24:55.062 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old odm sha256: 2Y1fxITkZW1c4hFYBgC7RyAX2dAzHJtnV7ELApEMSCE= size: 1286144 08-18 19:24:55.064 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new odm sha256: l/oIDspqyiDykR4mjk2GPh6zmheHo5f03U9XI1Dfzyg= size: 1089536 08-18 19:24:55.065 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old product sha256: rBOR7K0r7PjpLCPkZI585l0ru8YFtd58Uia9td+7WTY= size: 310919168 08-18 19:24:55.067 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new product sha256: 6TYZ3vLg5bXchP2xAAp3dZrK9r7pY2rbjyD6G+sjk8Y= size: 328949760 08-18 19:24:55.069 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old qupfw sha256: tTsWZkkP/F9TZZ+uWYwLLb7frJ3H/y5XJbxvQmUjIqg= size: 53248 08-18 19:24:55.070 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new qupfw sha256: 3jpnlnLyamrF6hrpPoJ+nOl5tIXKKqbDaOtL1+rgu3s= size: 57344 08-18 19:24:55.072 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old shrm sha256: KrVggLqd3q6VS4C33hRMfWs9vnJX0r+LI23bKLWZ+2E= size: 40960 08-18 19:24:55.073 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new shrm sha256: OYFDe2zcvXDWyPGIyEPOCvtFa9z9MxJ3kro2VzQLWPI= size: 45056 08-18 19:24:55.075 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old system sha256: LhRpM2Co250bUcefZesGxf9sWsi4Iv4GmwLW+gi10EI= size: 3553296384 08-18 19:24:55.076 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new system sha256: cd3Ps088SC1Pe+STTyQvVrK8+cmLLpoCvQlHBle7/io= size: 3517079552 08-18 19:24:55.078 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old tz sha256: 7eBsfC6w41AYS3xI6L0IM78LWLzakupzq0pCPIKVf6s= size: 3624960 08-18 19:24:55.080 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new tz sha256: XJ0GRq1SOmNjs+wlCaH23g6BnYsArLmtRTno9F8B3Aw= size: 3629056 08-18 19:24:55.081 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old uefisecapp sha256: Rw22/udqIRoIpmnH8XXmXXgTIVkRBgSZ+EBf1S/vfPs= size: 122880 08-18 19:24:55.083 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new uefisecapp sha256: Fz8/c9AKTBw0mU48AHyVN8EFPLZdBt6On5w6+giUOXU= size: 126976 08-18 19:24:55.085 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old vbmeta sha256: +1lHFFhEHNNXkoGzV+UepcA2ACn52gpr4wcZIFjK3Os= size: 8192 08-18 19:24:55.086 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new vbmeta sha256: TgLJLUIKbeSmTd5XCQnyDJKiuQCh32sV2acdW3+V8xc= size: 8192 08-18 19:24:55.088 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old vbmeta_system sha256: oCfE/MmDj/oFNutvF8323jQmMOUSZyxWZ967xwIyP/M= size: 4096 08-18 19:24:55.090 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new vbmeta_system sha256: 9iscNy39AWU0lXaikuLtSmFQtSqgudkmYhfotwiEHHQ= size: 4096 08-18 19:24:55.091 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old vendor sha256: Bnecgyti7gGs/uXInom7bpl3PUJ8bpAGJqL9OTMWUWs= size: 1469992960 08-18 19:24:55.093 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new vendor sha256: KbMKhjjPPUb6ew38BtauoenktJzeXsAyIAQo1Suj+pI= size: 1523589120 08-18 19:24:55.094 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old vendor_boot sha256: DLiSM4l+ydJE9BAY1xn5W6PD4fnAdGrNx83GwTszUVI= size: 100663296 08-18 19:24:55.096 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new vendor_boot sha256: TZ8xsevkXAMLUAoliRXRrS5V2KXwgz+12bSKqSDH8oM= size: 100663296 08-18 19:24:55.097 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old vm-bootsys sha256: eLgXQJ1Qc8shx8H2kpN7i9S7enKAPXcIyf7dB6Dnh9E= size: 229998592 08-18 19:24:55.099 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new vm-bootsys sha256: PvhkY00YGb0Pz8F/NW3NR9KCkULkaMGlv5pPd2pjAlM= size: 229998592 08-18 19:24:55.101 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old xbl sha256: 8s3zMMejgPFQVTda+PL8/oMWZ8TuQI+iANRg/uci02c= size: 3637248 08-18 19:24:55.102 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new xbl sha256: X6ni5/bFuI4xVs0pX4b7Nnp/76s0p6vc03t8pa1+WLc= size: 3641344 08-18 19:24:55.104 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo old xbl_config sha256: WxnRMP2xzZxmwabirIbkVhcC4Sq1V83/JwoB5kRwWsY= size: 212992 08-18 19:24:55.105 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] PartitionInfo new xbl_config sha256: 62UgiqGTFSnz9HN2uM6fwh0vkU91uTbK3xzmHAOizt0= size: 217088 08-18 19:24:55.107 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/abl_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:55.112 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:55.114 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 5 operations to partition "abl" 08-18 19:24:55.116 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Starting to apply update payload operations 08-18 19:24:55.159 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/aop_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:55.164 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:55.167 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 9 operations to partition "aop" 08-18 19:24:55.225 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/bluetooth_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:55.230 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:55.233 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 90 operations to partition "bluetooth" 08-18 19:24:55.509 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:55.514 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:55.516 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 115 operations to partition "boot" 08-18 19:24:58.794 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cpucp_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:58.799 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:58.801 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "cpucp" 08-18 19:24:58.828 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/devcfg_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:58.833 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:58.835 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 5 operations to partition "devcfg" 08-18 19:24:58.872 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/dsp_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:58.877 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:58.879 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 62 operations to partition "dsp" 08-18 19:24:59.368 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/dtbo_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.374 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.376 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 4 operations to partition "dtbo" 08-18 19:24:59.436 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/featenabler_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.441 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.444 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "featenabler" 08-18 19:24:59.467 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/hyp_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.471 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.473 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 7 operations to partition "hyp" 08-18 19:24:59.598 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/imagefv_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.603 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.605 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "imagefv" 08-18 19:24:59.631 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/keymaster_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.636 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.639 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "keymaster" 08-18 19:24:59.669 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/modem_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:24:59.673 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:24:59.675 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 2307 operations to partition "modem" 08-18 19:25:00.036 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 310/10273 operations (3%), 50561024/280875113 bytes downloaded (18%), overall progress 10% 08-18 19:25:06.425 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 2261/10273 operations (22%), 53575680/280875113 bytes downloaded (19%), overall progress 20% 08-18 19:25:07.544 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/dm-11 partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:25:07.551 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:25:07.553 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 10 operations to partition "odm" 08-18 19:25:07.654 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/dm-15 partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:25:07.659 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:25:07.662 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 280 operations to partition "product" 08-18 19:25:14.019 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/qupfw_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:25:14.025 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:25:14.028 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "qupfw" 08-18 19:25:14.049 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/shrm_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:25:14.054 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:25:14.056 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 3 operations to partition "shrm" 08-18 19:25:14.099 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/dm-18 partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:25:14.103 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:25:14.106 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 4847 operations to partition "system" 08-18 19:25:19.109 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 3493/10273 operations (34%), 76431360/280875113 bytes downloaded (27%), overall progress 30% 08-18 19:25:34.556 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 4449/10273 operations (43%), 106741760/280875113 bytes downloaded (38%), overall progress 40% 08-18 19:25:40.412 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 4490/10273 operations (43%), 162922496/280875113 bytes downloaded (58%), overall progress 50% 08-18 19:25:52.807 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 5548/10273 operations (54%), 187367424/280875113 bytes downloaded (66%), overall progress 60% 08-18 19:26:01.516 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 6275/10273 operations (61%), 224706560/280875113 bytes downloaded (80%), overall progress 70% 08-18 19:26:16.267 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 7603/10273 operations (74%), 244678656/280875113 bytes downloaded (87%), overall progress 80% 08-18 19:26:20.298 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/tz_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:20.305 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:20.307 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 29 operations to partition "tz" 08-18 19:26:20.444 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/uefisecapp_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:20.450 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:20.452 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 5 operations to partition "uefisecapp" 08-18 19:26:20.486 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:20.491 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:20.493 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 1 operations to partition "vbmeta" 08-18 19:26:20.506 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vbmeta_system_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:20.510 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:20.512 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 1 operations to partition "vbmeta_system" 08-18 19:26:20.527 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/dm-21 partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:20.531 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:20.533 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 1853 operations to partition "vendor" 08-18 19:26:34.562 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Completed 9041/10273 operations (88%), 260440064/280875113 bytes downloaded (92%), overall progress 90% 08-18 19:26:46.100 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Opening /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vendor_boot_b partition without O_DSYNC 08-18 19:26:46.106 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Caching writes. 08-18 19:26:46.108 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Applying 51 operations to partition "vendor_boot" 08-18 19:26:46.150 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Unable to open ECC source partition vendor_boot on slot A, file /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/vendor_boot_a: Success (0) 08-18 19:26:46.155 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] The hash of the source data on disk for this operation doesn't match the expected value. This could mean that the delta update payload was targeted for another version, or that the source partition was modified after it was installed, for example, by mounting a filesystem. 08-18 19:26:46.157 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Expected: sha256|hex = 84CBC3930817F59F08D6BAE4E64F40452AEEE007C8B2D74439358BD56446DF6C 08-18 19:26:46.159 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Calculated: sha256|hex = CE99046C8D163FBD1490314FA7582269045D8A1B2B2DDF14EC6B3DF8961D5176 08-18 19:26:46.161 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Operation source (offset:size) in blocks: 0:741,24575:1 08-18 19:26:46.164 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] source_fd != nullptr failed. 08-18 19:26:46.166 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Failed to perform BROTLI_BSDIFF operation 9648, which is the operation 0 in partition "vendor_boot" 08-18 19:26:46.168 1471 1471 E update_engine: [] Error ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError (20) in DeltaPerformer's Write method when processing the received payload -- Terminating processing 08-18 19:26:46.172 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Discarding 287 unused downloaded bytes 08-18 19:26:46.174 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Received transfer terminated. 08-18 19:26:46.176 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] TransferEnded w/ code 200 08-18 19:26:46.177 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Terminating. 08-18 19:26:46.236 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: finished DownloadAction with code ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError 08-18 19:26:46.240 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] ActionProcessor: Aborting processing due to failure. 08-18 19:26:46.242 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Processing Done. 08-18 19:26:46.245 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Resetting recorded hash for prepared partitions. 08-18 19:26:46.248 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Resetting update progress. 08-18 19:26:46.250 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Destroying [odm_b, product_b, system_b, vendor_b] from device mapper 08-18 19:26:46.278 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition odm_b 08-18 19:26:46.354 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot odm_b 08-18 19:26:46.359 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Successfully unmapped odm_b from device mapper. 08-18 19:26:46.386 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition product_b 08-18 19:26:46.471 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot product_b 08-18 19:26:46.477 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Successfully unmapped product_b from device mapper. 08-18 19:26:46.506 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition system_b 08-18 19:26:46.587 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot system_b 08-18 19:26:46.592 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Successfully unmapped system_b from device mapper. 08-18 19:26:46.689 1471 1471 I update_engine: [libfs_mgr]Unmapped logical partition vendor_b 08-18 19:26:46.742 1471 1471 I update_engine: Successfully unmapped snapshot vendor_b 08-18 19:26:46.746 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Successfully unmapped vendor_b from device mapper. 08-18 19:26:46.759 1471 1471 I update_engine: [] Current update attempt downloads 262 bytes data
import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile('/home/mi/Downloads/') as input_zip: a = input_zip.getinfo('payload_properties.txt') c = input_zip.getinfo('payload.bin') b = a.header_offset - c.file_size print(b)
# src target_file [$] -> ll -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 7912365948 10月 16 12:09 # images in src target_file [$] -> ll signed_venus_global-target_files-20.9.24-11.0/IMAGES -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 201326592 1月 1 2009 boot.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 8388608 1月 1 2009 dtbo.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 1020016 1月 1 2009 odm.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 381 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 1044939068 1月 1 2009 product.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 43382 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 5080 1月 1 2009 super_empty.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 371994820 1月 1 2009 system_ext.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 79300 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 2706129500 1月 1 2009 system.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 296543 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 2695444 1月 1 2009 userdata.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 8192 1月 1 2009 vbmeta.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 4096 1月 1 2009 vbmeta_system.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 100663296 1月 1 2009 vendor_boot.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 1891361204 1月 1 2009 vendor.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 279594 1月 1 2009 # target_file size [$] -> ll -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 8331428868 10月 16 12:10 # images in target_file [$] -> ll signed_venus_global-target_files-20.10.16-11.0/IMAGES -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 100663296 1月 1 2009 boot-gki.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 201326592 1月 1 2009 boot.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 8388608 1月 1 2009 dtbo.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 1065072 1月 1 2009 odm.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 677 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 1048531236 1月 1 2009 product.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 43776 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 5080 1月 1 2009 super_empty.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 403837100 1月 1 2009 system_ext.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 78781 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 2908402304 1月 1 2009 system.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 302171 1月 1 2009 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 2695444 1月 1 2009 userdata.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 4096 1月 1 2009 vbmeta.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 4096 1月 1 2009 vbmeta_system.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 100663296 1月 1 2009 vendor_boot.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 2033811940 1月 1 2009 vendor.img -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 303801 1月 1 2009 # inc ota size [$] -> ll -rw-rw-r-- 1 mi mi 418387975 10月 16 12:05 # estimate result out/host/linux-x86/bin/estimate_cow_from_nonab_ota -source_tf ~/Downloads/signed_venus_global-target_files-20.9.24-11.0/ -ota_tf /home/mi/Downloads/signed_venus_global-target_files-20.10.16-11.0